niedziela, 26 grudnia 2010

Ruby: Mocks and stubs

Recently I was looking for a description on how to execute unit tests in Ruby with mocks and stubs and was not able to easily find a helpful answer. First of all I wanted to mock the access to the database (ActiveRecord) and stub methods for accessing/finding the data.


Ruby provides support for mocking with the rspec:mocks module. Below I enclose an example how to mock access to the db for a simple activerecord object:
  1. ActiveRecord object is defined as follows:
    class Ipv4Stats < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_one :ipregistry
  2. Mock the Ipv4Stats object in spec file as below:
    new = mock(:ipv4stats,
    { :registry_id => reg_id, :date1 => date1, :date2 => date2,
    :ipv4_sum => ipv4_sum, :prefix_ipv4 => ipv4_prefix })

The newly created new object will contain the mocked version of the Ipv4Stats.


In the same module (rspec:mocks) Ruby provides means for stubbing. Below I enclose an example how to stub a find method - I still have not found a way to stub the find method with parameters:

  1. The ActiveRecord object is defined as below:
    class IpRegistry < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :ipv4stats
  2. The stub looks like:
It is also possible to give more criteria for stubs like in the examples below:

1. Different return values based on the parameters:


2. Number of expected invocations with specific parameters:

As soon as I make or get to the tests where the database find access based on the argument is required I will extend this article.

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